I am a wizard, I live in Weaverlyplace, I study in Hogwarts, My best friend is Isabelle Lightwood, My boyfriend is Will Herondale, I am in Gryffindor, my pet is a Minion Named Kevin. I am the best player of my quidditch team! And I have the nimbus 2000,  I also fight demons to protect the mundanes. By the way, I saved the world twice :)

I am Fatine, a fourteen years old teenager, I live in morocco, I go to High school, and I am bored of being bored because being bored is boring that's Why I created this blog : Because I don't have anything better to do in my life :) Usually, When I have nothing to do I escape from the world into a book in a Universe that is far more intersting than mine, or I send a text to a random number saying : "I hid the body...now what?" I also love photography, even though I don't own a camera (too expensive). And here I am to share with you my bookish obsession, my boys characters obsession, my tv shows obsesssion, my bookish obsession, my photography obsession, my actors obsession and my Bookish obsession.

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