This is is the Book Reviews section, I accept to review the ARCs (Advanced Reading copies) and the books that are not related with religion or are for adult (I'm fourteen). My book review are divided in three parts, the first one is just a presentation of the book (cover,title, author, number of pages, edition, synopsis) and my rating (from 1 to 5 stars)  then I do the no spoiler book review, I just give my opinion and talk about the books and characters without spoiling. After that, I do the spoiler-filled book review if it is not an ARC. At the end I add my global  opinion about the book.

 IMPORTANT : I am doing a HONEST book review, So don't judge my opinion because nothing will make me change it. And of course I am not going to judge your. But I am open to any other Opinion and I would love to hear your and discuss it with you!

                            My Book Reviews are Classed in Alphabetical order.

























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